Organization Can Be Vital For Your- Self Care


What does your perfect day look like?

In an ideal world, I wake up to a clean house with the smell of fresh coffee brewing, a beautifully set table with everyone’s favourite breakfast, and we sit together as a family and chat about the day ahead. The kids are dressed, the lunches are made and there is a system in place that makes all the morning tasks run smoothly. The house is clean and organized and I am not late for work as I couldn’t find the keys or the kids’ homework and I actually drank a full cup of HOT coffee.

Instead, for most of us the alarm goes off and we begin the day in a rush through the chaos of our homes with no time to process the day ahead or how we feel because we are just moving fast to make sure we get to where we need to go on time. We are barking orders frantically running around the house on overdrive, creating stress for everyone, we are pushing ourselves to the brink and setting ourselves up for failure. We finally make it to our desks and we are exhausted. It feels like we ran a marathon before we got to work and now, we need to “actually” work eight hours before we go back home and begin the evening.

If we have an unorganized, cluttered home that feeling of coming home after a long day will feel just as stressful and hectic as the morning rush did. We need our home to feel like the sanctuary we deserve after a long day that keeps us safe from the stresses outside the home. We can do all the yoga and meditation we want but clutter can always create the mental roadblock that prevents us from being our true productive self. 

Living in a cluttered home can create constant low-grade stress and subtly but steadily drain your energy.

Organization can create the inner peace that you need to be more productive and energetic it will provide a home for all of your “things” and stop you from wasting extra time cleaning up or looking for lost items. Time you can spend just hanging with your people or fur babies or time you can spend working on the things you love to do that brings you joy.  Sometimes it’s hard to work on us when we feel the constant need to endlessly clean up and organize the “stuff” around us.

Let your home be your sanctuary. Simplify your life by creating an organized and decluttered space that makes you feel relaxed and brings you that joy.  Nobody likes feeling stressed, but for so many clutter and disorganization can make you feel that way. Making even just a few organizational changes in your home can help to reduce your stress.

Life will still be busy but it will feel lighter, calmer and more balanced day by day with a little more order and organization.


Palm Springs Style for your home